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Seminar Recordings

PLEASE NOTE: These recordings are for personal use only. Please respect the speaker and their subject by not uploading or redistributing elsewhere.

Downloadable Recordings:

Bearing Each others Burdens – Listening and Helping Skills Workshop , 23 May 2015. Audio and pdf

Budgeting and Finance Seminar – Bro Craig Stone & Sam Mansfield, 15 Nov 2014. Videos, pdf

Morality Gap Seminar – Bro Gary Steel, 15 March 2014. Audio

Depression Seminar – Bro Jon Mansfield, 11 May 2013. Audio and pdf notes

Forgiveness Seminar – Brother David Hill, 25 February 2012. DvDs, Audio and pdf notes

Brain Injury Seminar -Kate Dawes, 13 September 2011. DvDs, Audio

Youth Seminar 2006 – Youth Counsellor – Coping in Tough Times

CDs and DVDs

The Ever-Increasing Morality Gap — Gary Steel, 2014, 2CDs

Depression – Spiritual and Medical Perspectives — Jon Mansfield, 2013, 2DVDs OR 2CDs

Where There’s A Will There’s a Way – Preparing for Positive Outcomes in Later Life— Langdon Palmer & Forum, 2013, 2DVDs OR 2CDs

Forgiveness — David Hill, 2012, 2DVDs OR 2CDs

Brain Injury Information Seminar —  Kate Dawes, 2011,  2CDs

Self Esteem – a Biblical Approach — Steven Hill, 2002, 2CDs

Depression – Positive Steps Forward in God’s Love —  Jon Mansfield, 2002,  2CDs

Maintaining a Sound Mind — Gary Steel, 2002,  2CDs

How to Cope with Tough Times: Strategies for Youth (for young people) — Martin Gare, 2006,  2CDs

How to Cope with Tough Times: Strategies for Raising Youth (for parents) — Martin
Gare, 2006, 2CDs

Turning the Tide – Pornography, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse — Gary Steel, 2007,  2CDs

Use or Abuse? Alcohol, Drugs & Addiction — Phil Davidson, Derek Harvey, Trish Harvey, 2008,  2CDs

Helping Effectively — Gary Steel, 2008,  2DVDs OR 2CDs

Forgiveness — Greg Palmer, 2008, 2DVDs OR 2CDs